Used Book Buy Back Information |
Hours/Availability: As of July 2024, we are only looking at used books by appointment! You can schedule an appointment in person, over the phone, or by Instagram message @givensusedbooks Appointments are typically offered Wednesday - Friday. We are frequently scheduling a week or two in advance. We typically reject up to 80% of books brought in to sell. For amounts under $40, we ONLY give general store credit. Over $40 we offer a check or store credit. We buy books that we sense strongly will sell. In some cases, we buy larger percentages of your books (quality, genre, and shelf space will determine this).
Donations: We take book donations! Since we sometimes reject up to 80% of books, IF you donate them, we will in turn donate the rejects to local libraries, organizations, etc. Otherwise, you will need to pick up the remainder books we do not buy. Please mark donations as such when you drop them off.
Payment: For hardcover and trade paperbacks, you receive a percentage of what we think we will be able to sell the books for. See further down for Mass Market Paperback Trade Credit. For amounts under $40, we ONLY give general store credit. If the total amounts to $40 or more, we can write a check OR give general store credit (store credit offer is 20% more than the check amount). The general store credit is good for anything in the store except for the Corduroy Café (separate business). Mass Market Paperbacks (the very small paperbacks) are handled separately. There is a 2-for-1 trade in credit, which is only applicable to Used Mass Market Paperbacks. We give you 50% of the cover price from your Mass Market Paperbacks.
What’s a Book Worth? It is impossible to value your books without seeing them in person. Typically, the books available on the shelves are priced from $4-$15. The more valuable used books are sold online (typically books $25 and up). A first edition is not inherently valuable nor does the age necessarily make it worth more.
Are Your Books Right for Us? Shelf space is a major factor in whether or not we will take your books. This constantly changes. Fiction (most genres), Classics & Literature, and Children’s Books, are the categories with the most frequent and reliable turnover.
What We Like to Buy: Ask yourself: Would I buy this book (in its current condition) if I saw it on a shelf?
What We Don’t Buy: